Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Management 
學程  生物多樣性學分學程  
625 U2150 

自然資源經營管理與保育,或治理,除了掌握自然資源的物理、化學、生物等特性、變化與趨勢外,也需要關照人文面向的考量,包括政治、經濟、社會、文化等。其不僅影響人們對自然資源的價值判定,更是決策與資源分配的關鍵基礎。本課程以概念與個案為主,以主題與個案來傳播相關的訊息,最後以議題討論的方式來做統整。讓修課同學能對自然資源經營管理與保育的人文考量,有深廣的了解。內容主題以生態系服務與人類健康為主軸,先介紹幾個重要的概念:生態系服務 (ecosystem service)、永續性 (sustainability)、回復力 (resilience),權益關係人與權力,生態倫理,共有資源與共有財,生計,公平與正義等。然後會以主題與個案來跟同學分享、討論現實社會中,與自然資源經營管理或治理相關的社會、經濟、政治、或文化的考量。其包括:生態旅遊、自然資源與人類健康、社區林業、野生動物對作物的危害、里山、原住民族與自然資源、夥伴關係等。 

1. 介紹與自然資源經營管理或治理相關的影響因子,及其分析方法;2. 藉主題與個案,討論自然資源經營管理或治理的人文 (政治、經濟、社會、文化等)面向議題,以深刻修課同學的人文思考。 
1. 儘量不缺席、上課不遲到、踴躍參加活動與討論;
2. 每次上課後繳交心得;
3. 期中期末作業待討論 
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Chapin III FS, Folke C, Kofinas GP. (2009). A framework for Understanding. In: Chapin III FS, Kofinas GP, Folke C, editors. Principle of Ecosystem Stewardship: Resilience-Based Natural Resource Management in a Changing World. NY, United States: Springer, pp 3-28.
Manfredo, M.J., Vaske, J.J., Rechkemmer, A., and Duke, E.A. (eds.)(2014). Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging new stands of integration across the social sciences. International Association for Society and Natural Resources: Springer, New York.
Farvar, M. T. and G. Borrini-Feyerabend, J. Campese, T. Jaeger, H. Jonas and S. Stevens, (2018). Whose ‘Inclusive Conservation’? Policy Brief of the ICCA Consortium no. 5. The ICCA Consortium and Cenesta. Tehran.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19, 30-39. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2015.11.001

社會與生態系統; 權力、權益關係人及參與
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Berkes, F. (2009). Conservation, community, and livelihoods: Sustaining, renewing, and adapting cultural connections to the land. Chapin, F.S. et al.(eds.), Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship. Pp129-147. Springer.
Chapin, F. S., Folke, C., & Kofinas, G. P. (2009). A framework for understanding change. In F. S. Chapin, G. P. Kofinas & C. Folke (Eds.), Principles of ecosystem stewardship: Resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world (pp. 3-28). New York, NY: Springer.

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生態旅遊 (余家斌老師)
Fennell, David A. (2008). Ecotourism. 3rd Edition. New York: Routledge.
Martha, H. (2008). Ecotourism and Sustainable Development : Who Owns Paradise? (2nd Edition). Covelo, CA: Island Press.

自然資源與人類健康 (余家斌老師)
Yu, C.-P., Lee, H.-Y., & Luo, X.-Y. (2018). The Effect of Virtual Reality Forest and Urban Environments on Physiological and Psychological Responses. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 35: 106-114.
Chen, H.-T., Yu, C.-P., & Lee, H.-Y. (2018). The Effect of Forest Bathing on Stress Recovery: Evidence from Middle-Aged Females of Taiwan. Forests 9(7): 403-412.
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Lee, H.-Y., Yu, C.-P., Wu, C.-D., & Pan, W.-C. (2018). The Effect of Leisure Activity Diversity and Exercise Time on the Prevention of Depression in the Middle-Aged and Elderly Residents of Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 654-665.
Yu, C.-P., Tsai, M.-J., Tsai, Y.-C., Yang, C.-K., & Chen, H.-T. (2018). Effects of forest bathing on stress recovery: An exploratory study among college students in Taiwan. Journal of Forest and Human Health Promotion Research 2, 1-13.
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